Layout Builder: A paragraphs killer?

A presentation at Design 4 Drupal in June 2019 in Boston, MA, USA by John Picozzi

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Layout Builder A Paragraphs Killer? Page 1 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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We’re Hiring! Page 2 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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John E. Picozzi Senior Drupal Architect Drupal Providence 401-228-7660 72 Clifford Street, Providence, RI 02903 [email protected] Page 3 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Kathy Beck Senior UX Engineer ● ● ● ● I’ve been working at Oomph since 2014 I started working in Drupal when it was at version 4.7 I’m helping lead Oomph’s Accessibility Initiative I co-organize Oomph’s Monthly Outings @kbeck303 /kbeck303 401-228-7660 72 Clifford Street, Providence, RI 02903 [email protected] Page 4 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Overview September 1, 2016 Page 5 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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In one corner… Paragraphs September 1, 2016 Page 6 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Flexible content, custom landing/basic page designs. Page 7 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Leica Geosystems Page 8 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Leica Geosystems Page 9 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Leica Geosystems Page 10 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 12 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 13 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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in the other corner… Layout Builder September 1, 2016 Page 14 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Wait… why? (if it ain’t broke, after all…) September 1, 2016 Page 15 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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It’s In Core! Page 16 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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You can translate it (way more easily)! Page 17 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Block Types: the new Paragraph Bundles Block Types are used with Layout Builder 1. THEY ARE IN CORE 2. THEY ARE REUSABLE 3. THEY ARE TRANSLATABLE 4. THEY ARE FIELDABLE 5. THEY ARE TEMPLATABLE Page 18 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How “Block Types can be configured the same way you would configure Paragraphs Bundles”

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Getting Started September 1, 2016 Page 19 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Use Umami! Page 20 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Helpful Modules September 1, 2016 Page 21 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 22 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Block Style Plugin Page 23 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Layout Builder Modal Page 24 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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” For maximum flexibility and confusion, you could use these together, using Layout Plugin Views to configure each row so its fields display in a layout and Views Layout to insert each of those layout-enabled rows into specific regions of yet another layout. From Page 25 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 26 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 27 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Advanced Setup September 1, 2016 Page 28 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 32 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Tips & Tricks September 1, 2016 Page 33 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Example of front-end styles getting applied to Layout Builder interface. Page 34 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 35 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Blocks can use Layout Builder Page 36 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 37 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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” With great power there must also come — great responsibility! Uncle Ben — from Spider-Man Page 38 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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The Future September 1, 2016 Page 39 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Page 40 | Drupal 9: When, Why, & How

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Thank You! Thank you for listening. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. /kbeck303 /in/johnpicozzi @kbeck303 @johnpicozzi kbeck303 johnpicozzi